Thursday, August 19, 2010

I know you must be wondering, Wow Bryan finally updated his blog... Yes, i know that nobody will read this super dead blog but ima gonna start posting it again since i am free and readers will come in more :X k so it starts....
This few days was very bad... sneezing and coughing since last saturday till now, went to see the doctor on monday got mc but still not yet recover from the flu... now got really annoyed by the EOY exams keep thinking of it when i reach home, hearing my mum nagging every single day about studying but i dunno why i go to school then my mind suddenly turned blank... Some problems came out recently... friends got trouble then share listening ear :l....... i dun think there's anything else to write anymore.... Goodbye ^^


Monday, February 1, 2010

Lol nothing better to do

I do not understand why when u communicate with the phone it sounds different and when u talk face to face it sounds different too........ i wanted to post this quite long ago but was just too lazy lol this is what i 'research' on......

Phone: Sound rather dull and like just woken up from his sleep
FtF: Got the super high energetic voice.......

Phone: The pitch of his voice a little higher
FtF: Omgosh! so low


Phone: Always got the malay accent(think so??)
FtF: Occasionally have the accent

Phone: Super High!
FtF: A bit lower but still high

Phone: Voice lower......
FtF: higher by a bit

Phone: Loud screeching voice and need to shout at the phone and dun know why always got Loud Background at the back
FtF: Just a normal high voice

then thats all this is the people i call regularly? for the rest of my contacts i will try to call u and try lol but at the end of the month i photocopy my phone bill give u guys help me pay :D ok thats all bye :)


Saturday, December 26, 2009

Ps not updating for quite a long time.... was spending time with electronics devices and going out quite often so...... i got nothing to blog about since is the holidays so bye

Thursday, December 3, 2009

hello guys.... so long haven't update leh so i will just say I have just updated again :) happy now viena?

Monday, November 30, 2009

I have just updated :)

Monday, November 9, 2009

Today is my first day of work..... thanks to weiren i was posted to HenryPark Primary School and i don't even know where is it that irritate me lots as i got to look for the bus stop and count how many bus stop to alight........ Today work was rather tiring packaging and stuff leads me to exhausation and is just slavery! we rested for like 3mins or so then 1 of the vicious kind(just being sarcastic) aunty went to give me 1 whole packing list and asked me to pack while she at the side started to slack... i was rather happy that i got posted to the school as they told me that i and ian will be helping her to sell books and stuff so it will be quite slack better then slavery work..... got to pity viena for few days as she will be staying at ayer rajah to pack in a 'prison' and being forced to do work... and she will be lonely.... haha ok done :)

Friday, October 30, 2009

ARGH!!! i cannot take it anymore!!!!! is not even the first day of the holidays and i am dieing of boredness!!!!
SOMEONE SAVE ME ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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