Friday, October 30, 2009

ARGH!!! i cannot take it anymore!!!!! is not even the first day of the holidays and i am dieing of boredness!!!!
SOMEONE SAVE ME ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Yesterday, i went to the bus stop from marine square to home -.- and saw a bunch of girls at the bus stop trying to wave a cab but the cab were all hired and they were so fustrated but don't know why they are still having a smile on their faces..... While waving for a freaking cab that take ages to come and i was waiting for 196 to come that takes like centuries for me... they were talking about vulgarities.... they talk blah blah blah.. and when they speak 1 vulgarity suddenly got a f***ed up lambo went past us.... the horse power is freaking loud that i can't even hear what they are saying.... The worst of the worst is.... when they speak a few vulgaritys.... 7 lambo came in a row!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARGH!!!! i just miss the chance of hearing them shout vulgarities and all i heard is horsepower straight!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT IS THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DRAMA ARH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! maybe they censored the words =D... and i saw the 196 and went home while i laugh at them trying to take a cab but no valid....

On the same day morning, somebody ask me to go untill bedok for breakfast -.- shit lar.... and is 9 in the morning... ok i just went.... out of the mrt station i saw a 'star' that dance around like a moron wearing a funny spectacles and a clown costume..... and worst... there is a elmo dancing beside him and in front of him theres a sign say Please Donate :) i wanna take a photo of it but my phone spoiled too bad.....


Friday, October 23, 2009

Since i got nothing to do i decided to blog........
At this later part of the year, i found that friends are equally important... other then your family, friends is the second choice to depend on. Friends this year are very good, really thankful that some of them 'walk' with me in my most important part of my life and some of them are just....... ( still editing)

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Have you ever wanted what do you need your eyebrows for??? To look nicer or the eyebrows have some special function that can helps your body..... Achmed the dead terriost is a very good example of looks... although is a puppet, his eyebrows make his looks funny and a touch of his laughable jokes makes him perfect for a comedian....

The clique isn't the same..... the getting together and laughing the day through has been history now we can see that the most perfect 4 of them has split and nobody even predicted it that they will split 1 fine day..... Even though we get together sometimes..... chatting awhile and nothing to say after is very common when everybody got nothing else to say and kept very quiet 1 person will always break the slience and that is mostly Weiren... really thankful for that......

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Just change my blogskin.... found it too ugly.... don't know what to update sianzzz......
i just found out something... ijji sucks... i download sf and gunz and found out that their graphics sucks sf purely easy and gunz out of nowhere got sword and gun and can do martial arts lorh....zzzz nothing to update sianzzz i wan see wwIII lar

Sunday, October 11, 2009

zzzz being forced to update.....

Did your mum or dad keep on saying that your room is all a mess? They get fustrated of your room? This is what u do first keep all your books into a storage box or something and keep into 1 corner if your grades start to go down then u tell your parents u told me to tidy my room so i did.......

Saturday, October 10, 2009

A Very Nonsensical Topic to start with!

SIANZZZZZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOTHING TO DO PEOPLE WILL THINK I AM MAD UPDATING AT MIDNIGHT AND IS IN THE MIDDLE OF THE EXAMS.......and here i am updating again although it has been dead for centuries.... many people ask why are u so f**king angry of 1 strap! can u guys stop asking...... there is always a reason behind everything.... and not really many people know the reason....... ok whatever just giving a warning that world war III is gonna start real soon..... haahahahaaaas wear bulletproof vest later got bullet fly everywhere and this is gonna make a fairfield history hahahaaaaa zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


Monday, October 5, 2009

Now chinese class is starting to suck, the moment i saw the chinese teacher face.... oh man this is starting to get bored again..... In class, we did compo compo compo.... if only i can prove the teacher wrong by getting an A for my paper 2 then i will request to owyong no paper 1 for me like this no need studying -.-''........ not that really sure why the more i study the dumber i get....maybe is the arts of human beings....... maybe like jon lar don' care already lar end of year retained maybe i should have this kind of mindset and start slacking now although i am slacking...... bb

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