Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Top 10 assholes in class                                                   Top 10 good friends in class
1. MingHon(can't agree more)                                          1. Jonathan
2. Glenn Lim                                                                    2. Nicholas
3. Xiangyi                                                                        3. Faisal
4. Xinyi                                                                           4. Ian
5. Weiren                                                                        5. Luke
6. Quincy??                                                                    6. Kimbelyn
7. Jeremy                                                                       7. Viena
8. idk....                                                                         8. Weiren
9. idk....                                                                         9. Cherra
10. idk..                                                                         10. YiXiang                  

Top of being a asshole watever bad things you can think of
1. Amanda Lin

9 more days to exam and at least 5 days of torture during exams.... bb

Thursday, September 24, 2009

15 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and 36 more days to freedom


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I just found out something...... MapleStory is a memory-grabber....... It totally sucks lar...... my com is lagging like shit after i download it and  the soap in facebook fly out of my cursor man.... this sucks


Sorry to the people that i never link just tag at my tagboard and i will link 1 tkssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

Sunday, September 20, 2009

lolol random

Today i saw 5 idiots in different timing different place same day playing the yoyo. I wonder what is so fun about the yoyo? They are just following the flow of people playing yoyo, and why i called them idiots is because they absolutely don't do tricks at all they just spin the yoyo up and down repeatly doing many times and they think they are cool of having a bloody yoyo.

Never judge the book by its cover......


Saturday, September 19, 2009


Tuition is a bad day to start especially going there and do nothing except playing your DS and waiting for your siblings to finish their work and come back home and blog the day long...... Today my mum woke me up at 9am( that is freaking early) push me out of my bed asking me to go for tuition now and say what more revision for that EOY exam okay okay i accept that i went there and wait for my sis to finish her things and my tuition teacher just ask me what is your exams topics? when is your exams? i answer all of them and she said okay you can go home now and in summary my mum just ask me to go there to just tell her what is your exams topics and when is your exams i have just wasted at least 2 hours at there doing nothing and just play DS....... Now comp so boring where are all the fun games gone too? i wish i get my desktop soon then modern warfare, modern warfare 2 and world at war can use...... EOY lit exam confirm get screwed up...... i can't even understand what the hell is rebec(whatever his name spells) talking..... then just sleep in class... wish can go out 1 day can lax before the exams -.-'' thats all bb


Thursday, September 17, 2009


This is my goals that i am gonna achieve =)
1. Stop messaging
2. Stop using facebook is very addictive
3. Stop thinking about her and study like siao -.-''
4. Slack in the afternoon -.-''

okay thats all if got more i will edit but now all of this are the most important 1s. Everybody EOY jyjy =D Wish ur get good results


Friday, September 11, 2009


Too sian already don't know what topic to write and have been busy handling something rather important..... now d&t theory work can die 1........ wish i got split personality lol and lost of memories so no need to remember things that are hurtful but rather nice.... wish things were like before
 i don't know whether this is a post a not but i don't care just need to concentrate EOY's exam thats all

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